


Most people keep a garden for growing food or for the sheer pleasure of being among the beauty of flowers and shrubs. We are no different althought our yard is too small to do more than grow a few tomato or pepper plants for food.

When we bought the house our garden was 90% concrete and we started by introducing pots and tubs. Over time we fenced in the garage roof, tiled it and made it into a patio also with lots of tubs and pots. We extended the existing pond and took up as much paving as we could and even reduced the size of our garden shed so we could plant some small trees and larger shrubs as well as erecting some bird feeders.

After nearly 14 years the garden is now as packed with flowering plants as we can get it and it is a daily tonic just to mooch around. A fast walk around the garden takes five seconds… but it is surprisingly easy to take half an hour or more to do the same circuit!

Izaak Walton said, in the Complete Angler more than four centuries ago that a day ‘spent with the angle’ is a day added to your life. Well an hour among the flowers is added on too! There is little that relaxes me more than enjoying the song of birds, the buzzing of insects and the perfume of flowers.

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