The Garden in 2019
2018 was another bad year for me with my chronic arthritis flaring so badly we had to cancel a long-planned holiday! I had plenty of time to garden, but very little physical capability… I managed to potter about but was subject to attacks every couple of weeks… until things settled down in the middle of May.
We managed to re-model one corner, compare this to 2016 – so much more light!
…and in July
Either way you look at it…
By trimming our neighbours pyrocanthus we again introduced more light…
That extra light has turned the birdbath area into a place where we can enjoy colour… and because the birds were so used to seclusion we can approach quite closely without the confiding sparrows, blue-tits and blackbirds flying off. Sit quietly and they all come down to feed. So a ‘forgotten corner’ is now very much part of the garden.
and in July…
At the other end of the garden we had to rescue the lilac tree from the burden of an overgrown honeysuckle and the encroaching evergreen… result, again so much more light!
…and another ‘dark corner’ is a mass of colour.
The area just outside the backdoor has also been colourful enough to lift the spirits when all one could do in the cold weather was peer through the glass. Its amazing how annuals in this southeast enclave just keep going – this is year two for this nasturtium and its still going strong!
and July…
Looking the other way, despite limited sun can still be colourful. Mind you, it has to be kept well watered as it is in the rain shadow of the house.
The mid-day sun still penetrates ‘though…
Turn the corner into the sunniest part of the garden all day long.
Somewhere in there is our pond… complete with lots of frogs and a few fish.
The rest, some views of the few bits not covered already…